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Community Developers

CAM’s service to community developers

The staff at CAM will facilitate the overall success of the community you are developing by providing the following benefits:

  1. Allowing your staff and you to concentrate on building and promoting your communities, rather than dealing with the minutiae of association management and homeowner demands.
  2. Assisting with the development of all of the Association’s governing documents. We work with developers and attorneys to create rules that are reasonable and enforceable.
  3. Promoting Association membership to new homeowners from the start.
  4. Planning member meetings.
  5. Ensuring member compliance of rules and regulations in order to maintain an atmosphere conducive to selling property.
  6. Ensuring continuity for Association to facilitate a smooth, cooperative and successful transition from the developer board of directors to one that is controlled by homeowners.
  7. Providing a cost-effective solution to personnel, equipment and facilities for Association management.